
We set standards. With peak-quality production.

Wir verfolgen stets den eigenen Anspruch, Erzeugnisse zu fertigen, die die Erwartungen übertreffen.

Like gear wheels designed precisely to fit each other, we have fine-tuned our manufacturing processes over the years to work smoothly, so that today, state-ofthe-art machinery, experienced experts and groundbreaking quality management systems work together to shape our production processes. The carefully monitored extent of automation also guarantees the absolute optimum of all work steps, which, in turn, enables us to produce impressive results.

Integrating key processes and technologies makes a crucial contribution – and these include excellent test rig manufacture, laser welding, collaborative robots and driverless guided vehicles as well as the latest systems for production data acquisition.

Our quality management inspections include 100% leak-proof vacuum testing as well as end-of-line testing for noise and electrical characteristics on all our lines. In this way, we ensure that the products made in our manufacturing facilities really do have the required standard of perfection.

Our management system is certified according to IATF 16949:2016, with a CAQ and ERP system supporting the processes in the company.

As an enterprise with a global footprint, environmental protection is also of crucial importance. This is demonstrated by our sustainably thought-out environmental and energy management: the heat we recover from generating compressed air is passed on directly to heat our heating systems and hot water generation – and this makes an important contribution to our closely monitored ecological footprint.